Our Blog

A blog for healthy bodies

Patella tendinopathy, also known as jumper's knee, involves pain and inflammation in the tendon connecting the kneecap (patella) to the...
An Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury is a significant knee injury, often occurring in sports that involve sudden stops, changes...
Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle is essential for your overall well-being. While exercise can come in many forms, certain...
Do you have an ankle that just seems to roll all the time? As if it has a mind of...
For over two decades, Susan has been at the forefront of challenging misconceptions about exercise, arthritis, and chronic pain. Drawing...
The rotator cuff, a group of four tendons surrounding the shoulder joint, plays a crucial role in shoulder function. When...
Introduction Shin splints, or medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS), are a common source of pain for athletes and active individuals....
Introduction The Achilles tendon, the largest and strongest tendon in the body and is crucial for various physical activities, including...
Concussion is a common injury to happen in sports, usually contact sports which can leave players on the sidelines for...
I recently had an eye-opening conversation with a friend of mine who lives over East. He explained that he had...
What is a milestone? Milestones are developmental achievements that children grow into and through. These milestones are important because they...
The pelvic floor muscles are the muscles that line the base of the pelvis and have a role in maintaining...